On September 18, Eaglebrook hosted its annual CPR Training Day. It was a remarkable event, with the educators from the Institute of WildMed joining us for the day along with a number of trained Eaglebrook faculty.
The teachers explained the acronym SAMPLE on the stage, and it was as follows:
- Signs and Symptoms
- Allergies
- Medications
- Past medical history
- Last Oral Intake
- Events leading up to the Illness or Injury
Numerous stations were set up throughout campus, Allowing students to learn about choking, hypothermia, bone fractures, etc. Many of my peers would say the hands-on CPR training session was the most enjoyable and unique part of their day. We learned how to perform chest compressions and manual respirations on CPR mannequins.
Another highlight of the day was the wound section. We were each given gauze, taught how to wrap around it, and then assigned situations in which someone was bleeding. As the situation “worsened,” we had to put and wrap more gauze and cloth until we were at the stage of a tourniquet. We put a pen into the gauze and spun the pen to tighten the tourniquet.
We should all appreciate the immense amount of work and effort put into this particular day. The teachers coming from WildMed all did a spectacular job, making the lessons fun but also immersing the students in realistic situations that could certainly happen in real life, such as an electrocuted person, or an individual who was exposed to their allergies. Faculty at Eaglebrook did a flawless job getting everybody to the right place and those with prior knowledge gave useful lessons alongside the WildMed teachers.
You could save a person’s life someday.